Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Can't Help It..

I can't help it when I hear of another earthquake. I always think, "Wow, Jesus must be coming soon." I have this map that I check every now and then that has a list of all the earthquakes all over the world.

I go to this map on a fairly regular basis remembering the scripture, "Luke 21:11 And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven." When you look at this map over any length of time, you will recognize what I have.

There have been thousands of small, medium and large earthquakes just since I have been monitoring this map. Some say there are more earthquakes today than 100 years ago, others say we just have better instrumentation and media today. However, in my lifetime I don't remember earthquakes like the Haiti or now the Chile earthquakes. The loss of life, devistation and billions of dollars that will be needed is overwhelming.

How many earthquakes will it take for Jesus to come back?

I know that the Apostles thought that the Lord Jesus would come back in their lifetime. Here it is 2000 years later, and we are still waiting for Jesus to come in the sky. I can't help it, but I think what a great day that will be, and I remember it every time I hear of an earthquake.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


When we hold the grudge against someone, the offense costs more to bear than the offense itself. It seems we hold on to the past regarding the most ridiculous things because we got hurt in some way. Just make sure that the hurt was deep enough to warrant the cost you are presently paying to carry the offense day after day, month after month, year after year. Doesn't it make sense to forgive the offense of the past and be free in your mind and heart today? It is easier to forgive than you might think. Just bow your head, and say, "Lord, I forgive this person for hurting me. I want to be free as you declared in Your Word. I give up this offense to You and ask you to heal me." Breathe and let the burden lift from you. Sometimes it takes me more than one time saying this, if I am really mad about the offense. But, I have learned to keep saying it until I feel the offense leave me. Try it and see if this process helps you!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Odar Kumaritashviliand Should Have Gold!!

In response to Odar Kumaritashviliand’s tragic crash, I think the Olympic Committee should award his family with a gold medal. Afterall, anyone who dies in the effort has given their all for this Olympic gold. I just heard on the television "it's the Olympic effort that matters most." Who would agree with that statement, when you compare it to a life cut short?

It's one thing to do the best time in luge, it's a completely different situation when you have given your life (and we will find out if it could have been avoided). I think it will go a very long way with the parents and family if they were treated with the tremendous respect that goes along with the horrible grief they will forever experience!

So, I say let's all start writing the International Olympic Committee screaming for Omar to have GOLD! Go and contact them!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Saints Go Marchin' In!!

Congratulations go out to the New Orleans Saints and the city that has inspired them to win the Super Bowl. It's an amazing story from the QB on "up" to the many who have lost their homes, loved ones and way of life. It just goes to show you that anything can be done when you have the right attitude. Those Saints, they went marching into the Super Bowl and came out with the Super Bowl trophy. God Bless Them!