Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Can't Help It..

I can't help it when I hear of another earthquake. I always think, "Wow, Jesus must be coming soon." I have this map that I check every now and then that has a list of all the earthquakes all over the world.

I go to this map on a fairly regular basis remembering the scripture, "Luke 21:11 And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven." When you look at this map over any length of time, you will recognize what I have.

There have been thousands of small, medium and large earthquakes just since I have been monitoring this map. Some say there are more earthquakes today than 100 years ago, others say we just have better instrumentation and media today. However, in my lifetime I don't remember earthquakes like the Haiti or now the Chile earthquakes. The loss of life, devistation and billions of dollars that will be needed is overwhelming.

How many earthquakes will it take for Jesus to come back?

I know that the Apostles thought that the Lord Jesus would come back in their lifetime. Here it is 2000 years later, and we are still waiting for Jesus to come in the sky. I can't help it, but I think what a great day that will be, and I remember it every time I hear of an earthquake.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


When we hold the grudge against someone, the offense costs more to bear than the offense itself. It seems we hold on to the past regarding the most ridiculous things because we got hurt in some way. Just make sure that the hurt was deep enough to warrant the cost you are presently paying to carry the offense day after day, month after month, year after year. Doesn't it make sense to forgive the offense of the past and be free in your mind and heart today? It is easier to forgive than you might think. Just bow your head, and say, "Lord, I forgive this person for hurting me. I want to be free as you declared in Your Word. I give up this offense to You and ask you to heal me." Breathe and let the burden lift from you. Sometimes it takes me more than one time saying this, if I am really mad about the offense. But, I have learned to keep saying it until I feel the offense leave me. Try it and see if this process helps you!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Odar Kumaritashviliand Should Have Gold!!

In response to Odar Kumaritashviliand’s tragic crash, I think the Olympic Committee should award his family with a gold medal. Afterall, anyone who dies in the effort has given their all for this Olympic gold. I just heard on the television "it's the Olympic effort that matters most." Who would agree with that statement, when you compare it to a life cut short?

It's one thing to do the best time in luge, it's a completely different situation when you have given your life (and we will find out if it could have been avoided). I think it will go a very long way with the parents and family if they were treated with the tremendous respect that goes along with the horrible grief they will forever experience!

So, I say let's all start writing the International Olympic Committee screaming for Omar to have GOLD! Go and contact them!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Saints Go Marchin' In!!

Congratulations go out to the New Orleans Saints and the city that has inspired them to win the Super Bowl. It's an amazing story from the QB on "up" to the many who have lost their homes, loved ones and way of life. It just goes to show you that anything can be done when you have the right attitude. Those Saints, they went marching into the Super Bowl and came out with the Super Bowl trophy. God Bless Them!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Building or Breaking?

This year I am trying to notice everything that comes out of my mouth. The Bible says what comes out of the mouth is in the heart. Especially in life coaching or songwriting coaching, I must be careful how I challenge my clients to face those fears they do not want to face. Sometimes they don't even see they are walking in fear or that they are even struggling with a problem.

I can build my friends, family or clients or I can break them down by what I say to them. It's a fine line. I was thinking about this and realized we are always building or breaking in everything we do. When you talk to your friends and you want to challenge, do you break them down or do you build them in the process of challenging their behavior? It all comes from the carefully chosen words...or not.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Breathing is such a simple thing to do. We don't even think about it most of the time. Occasionally, I will hear of someone with asthma or lung cancer, and quickly thank the Lord for my ability to breathe.

Again, that thought came to me as I was watching CNN's Anderson Cooper cover Haiti. Anderson was apologizing for having to cough on camera. Apparently, the rescue workers had to burn several bodies  they had found in the rubble. The cameras were set up near this area and the air was thick with the smell and flakes of burned flesh. He was struggling to breathe.

I have not been a big fan of CNN or Anderson Cooper, up to this point. They are usually too liberal for my taste. However, I must admit they have really stepped up their coverage of Haiti's earthquake and the aftermath. Anderson Cooper has gone beyond reporting in my opinion. He is very professional, yet tenderhearted. I am sure he will have quite a journey of recovery from the many gruesome sites he has witnessed.

So, today I am grateful for my comparative calm life. I am blessed not to draw the breath Anderson and the Haitian people are breathing in and smelling. I remember that smell from going to NYC the week after 9/11. It's distinct and you never forget it.

Keep praying for these people and especially for Heavenly protection for the little children who are alone.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

John Travolta Sends an Airplane

John Travolta is sending an airplane to Haiti with supplies. It sounds like such a nice thing for a celebrity until you read a littler further. ( By the way, I love John Travolta. I have had the opportunity to talk with him for 30 minutes. He's a wonderful guy. He's had a really tough year. So, I don't begrudge him anything.)

The article goes on to say Travolta is sending "ministers" down to Haiti. These are ministers that recruit victims into his cult, Scientology. Haitians need medical personnel, supplies, and water. They need the very basics of life right now. Every person getting into that country right now is vital. The victims need skilled people to help get their families medical help or remove their loved ones from the rubble that still may be alive. CNN showed last night where they were still recovering people. The teams that are presently on the ground are struggling to do the very best they can with this catastrophe. The last thing they need are a non-skilled "ministers of Scientology."

It seems way up there on the ridiculous scale to waste this opportunity. Instead, because of celebrity, a "minister" of the gospel of Scientology is sent bumbling into a earthquake shattered country to do an "assist", which is equivalent to a bad massage.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Devastation

The devastation of Haiti is palpable. Life is so precious. Sometimes we wonder if we can actually make it through these hard economic times. Yet, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, our life can be snuffed out like candlelight. When we watch what is going on there, are you grateful for what you have here? The hardness we face seems so minimal compare to what living hell these people are going through every minute. Our lives can turn on a dime. Never forget that. No one escapes time, calamity, or death. No one.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Time Flies

I was watching "Little People Big World" and the twins, Jeremy and Zach, are graduating. It made me think of my dear Evan and Claire in Kentucky. They are twins that I call my "babies." They are not my babies, but in my heart they are like mine. In about eighteen months, they will be graduating.

I remember the day Evan came home and his mom, Lisa, let me hold him and feed him formula. They were premature and he only weighed five or six pounds when he came home. Claire was still in the hospital. I could put his whole hand on the end of my thumb. Now he is over six foot and probably 180 pounds, at least. Claire was always watching me. She was a watcher of the human condition from the very beginning. She still is a watcher. She is one that will definitely look before she leaps.

It was just a second ago. I can remember those moments so clearly. It was like it was yesterday. They were babies and now they are practically adults. Time flies. Don't waste the time because it is gone before you know it.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Secret Ingredient...isYOU!

The television advertisements are everywhere. Apparently, Michelle Obama, The First Lady, is going to reveal a secret ingredient for tonight's "Iron Chef." The ads are around the clock. The background music builds and you would think that The President is about to reveal a "for eyes only" national secret. . The  "SECRET" ingredient is tied to Michelle Obama. I find out that the secret ingredient is the White House garden. It was all just laughable, then I got to thinking about that phrase, "a secret ingredient."

We all have the secret ingredient. We just don't think about it most of the time. The secret ingredient is...You. You are your own secret ingredient. We forget that fact. The most important characteristic we have is the fire that is within us all. God gave that to us, each and every one. We just have to listen to our hearts and we will find out exactly what is our "secret ingredient."

Saturday, January 2, 2010


In this economic turbulence you have the choice to believe things will be better, or not. I know many who are struggling right now. My life experience tells me the struggle is as much in thinking as with what is going on around you. Many have made millions of dollars on encouraging the buyer, in various ways, to do one thing. Believe in yourself.

It's just one word. Believe. It sounds so simple when you say it out loud. Believe. The rub comes when one puts that belief into action. When things look really bad, how do you believe they will turn around, when nothing "looks" like it will? Billy Graham has been quoted, "
God is more interested in your future and your relationships than you are." If that is true, then we must decide to believe God has great things in store for us. Look up, pray, think on the good things and look toward the best that can happen, instead of the worst.

©2010 Lynn Barrington. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Freedom in the New Year

I just got off a coaching call that inspired me! Sometimes we are all afflicted with accepting less for ourselves. We forget we actually have rights! Yes, people of America, I am talking about our right to be free.

Most of the time we think of freedom in terms of the national perspective. I am talking today about our personal freedoms. We have the right to change our minds from poor thinking habits to successful thinking habits. Habits that do not work for us we can drop like a hot potato! The problem is that much of the time we just hang on to those thoughts or habits that are clearly not working.

Jesus said in Matthew 17, "the children of the king are free." If you believe, you have the freedom, you do. You can live in that freedom. Certainly, it is an act of will that we cannot allow to fall through the cracks. We must shore up those cracks! We are free this brand New Year of 2010. Walk and talk in your freedom. Change, you are FREE to do so at your leisure.

©2010 Lynn Barrington. All Rights Reserved.